Uma policial de 24 anos de Nova Jersey nos Estados Unidos prendeu o músico Bob Dylan por não reconhecer o mesmo, num dia de chuva. O cantor estava parado em frente a uma residência sob chuva, vestindo roupas e capas de chuva que teriam dificultado o reconhecimento.
Alguns minutos antes os moradores já haviam chamado a polícia com temor que "um suspeito
estava parado defronte a residência há algum tempo..."
Segundo a policial , o cantor respondeu ao ser questionado pelo seu nome>" sou Bob Dylan" e
quando perguntado sobre o que fazia na cidade respondeu: > estou viajando pelo país com
Willie Nelson e John Mellencamp ...estou procurando uma casa à venda. A policial prendeu imediatamente o homem julgando que o mesmo fosse louco ou estivesse planejando um crime.
New Jersey police detained 68-year old American music star Bob Dylan recently, after a young officer failed to recognize him. A disheveled Dylan was wearing a hoodie, wandering around in the rain looking at a house for sale. The 24-year-old female officer was responding to a phone call from the occupants of a home that had a "For Sale" sign on it. The residents were called in with a report of an "eccentric-looking old man" in their yard
"We got a call for a suspicious person,'' Buble said. "It was pouring rain outside, and I was right around the corner so I responded. By that time he was walking down the street. I asked him what he was doing in the neighborhood and he said he was looking at a house for sale."
"I asked him what his name was and he said, 'Bob Dylan,' Buble said. "Now, I've seen pictures of Bob Dylan from a long time ago and he didn't look like Bob Dylan to me at all. He was wearing black sweatpants tucked into black rain boots, and two raincoats with the hood pulled down over his head.
"So I said, 'OK Bob, what are you doing in Long Branch?' He said he was touring the country with Willie Nelson and John Mellencamp. So now I'm really a little fishy about his story. I did not know what to believe or where he was coming from, or even who he was. We see a lot of people on our beat, and I wasn't sure if he came from one of our hospitals or something," Buble said.
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