quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012
Salto sem pára-quedas!! No parachutes,first time !
o dublê Gary Connery saltou do helicóptero com uma roupa especial que permite maior resistência ao vento
sem para-quedas.No solo uma pilha de caixas de papelão que ele deveria obrigatóriamente atingir.A pilha
de caixas no comprimento de 100 metros por 15 metros de largura.O salto ocorreu na Inglaterra.
Para-quedas é para os fracos!
Stuntman Gary Connery dropped from a helicopter 2,400 feet in the air. His wingsuit slowed him down, but not by much. Connery would survive only if he hit a pile of boxes arranged to cushion his fall:
He landed on a strip measuring about 350ft (100m) by 45ft (15m) – and at its highest point 12ft off the ground – at Temple Island Meadows, on the Buckinghamshire and Berkshire border.
In order to survive the audacious stunt, he had to flare his wing suit about 200ft from his target in order to bring his gliding speed down to 50mph and his vertical falling speed to 15mph.
Parachutes are for the weak.