Unicef - Soldados de brinquedo
O Continente Africano tem o maior número de crianças- soldado,lutando em guerras que elas
não acreditam e por causas que elas não entendem.UNICEF tira muitas destas crianças do
combate e as reintegra à sociedade.A campanha acima serviu para angariar suporte para este
programa.Foram enviadas malas diretas para patrocinadores para o "Programa Unicef para
Crianças soldados".Inicialmente o conteúdo do pacote parece ser um típico saco com soldados
normais, empunhando armas, mas uma vez abertos, o recipiente mostra figuras de
crianças,lendo livros,jogando futebol,andando de bicicleta e fazendo outras " coisas de criança".
O resultado foi muito bom e além do esperado.Mais do que uma simples mensagem o conteúdo
faz lembrar a realidade que estas crianças precisam encarar todos os dias.
Unicef : Toy Soldiers
The African continent has the world’s highest number of child soldiers, fighting in wars they don’t believe in, for causes they don’t understand. Unicef extract many of these children from combat and reintegrate them into society. Their aim was to rally support for this programme. Sending out a direct mailer that garners support for Unicef’s child soldier programme. Initially, the mailer appears to be a typical packet of toy soldiers, but once opened, the recipient finds that the figurines are in fact children - reading books, playing soccer, riding bikes and doing other childhood activities. Results: The package went to Unicef supporter mailing lists as well as potential corporate sponsors. Awareness is up, and beyond the desired reaction from the recipients, many compliments are being received about the unique way in which it was put forward. More than a simple message, it’s an ongoing reminder of the realities these children face every day.credits
Agency: Y&R Johannesburg, South Africa.
The African continent has the world’s highest number of child soldiers, fighting in wars they don’t believe in, for causes they don’t understand. Unicef extract many of these children from combat and reintegrate them into society. Their aim was to rally support for this programme. Sending out a direct mailer that garners support for Unicef’s child soldier programme. Initially, the mailer appears to be a typical packet of toy soldiers, but once opened, the recipient finds that the figurines are in fact children - reading books, playing soccer, riding bikes and doing other childhood activities. Results: The package went to Unicef supporter mailing lists as well as potential corporate sponsors. Awareness is up, and beyond the desired reaction from the recipients, many compliments are being received about the unique way in which it was put forward. More than a simple message, it’s an ongoing reminder of the realities these children face every day.credits
Agency: Y&R Johannesburg, South Africa.